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Getting Your Aircon Ready for Spring 🌷 Urban Energy Electrical Solutions
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  3. Getting Your Aircon Ready for Spring

Getting Your Aircon Ready for Spring

As the weather warms up and spring is upon us, it's time to ensure your air conditioner is ready to keep you cool and comfortable. After months of inactivity, your aircon may need some TLC to run at its best. 

A spring cleaning for your air conditioner can go a long way in preventing breakdowns, saving you money on energy bills, and keeping your home cool and comfortable all season long. We're here to help you get your air conditioner ready for spring.

HVAC technician performing spring clean and maintenance servicing for split system air conditioner

Why Spring Air Conditioning Preparation is Essential

Spring is the ideal time to give your air conditioner some much needed attention. After months of inactivity during winter, your aircon can accumulate dust, debris, and even mould, impacting its performance and efficiency.

Here's why spring aircon preparation is crucial:

  • Improved Air Quality

Dust, pollen, and even mould can build up in your aircon over winter. Cleaning it out means you'll be breathing cleaner, fresher air which won’t trigger your allergies!

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency

A well maintained aircon operates more efficiently, using less energy and lowering your electricity bills.

  • Preventative Maintenance

Finding and fixing little issues now can prevent costly breakdowns and repairs later.

  • Extended Lifespan

Regular maintenance helps prolong the lifespan of your air conditioner, ensuring it works at its best for years to come.

  • Optimal Comfort

A clean and well maintained HVAC system delivers consistent cooling and comfort throughout the spring and summer months.

By investing a little time and effort into preparing your aircon for spring, you can enjoy a healthier, more comfortable, and energy efficient home.

Spring Cleaning for Your Air Conditioner's Outdoor Unit

Your aircon's outdoor unit is exposed to the elements all year round, making it particularly vulnerable to a build up of dirt and debris. Over winter, leaves, twigs, dust, and even insects can collect around and inside the unit. This can restrict airflow and reduce its efficiency, causing your aircon to work harder and use more energy. 

You may be able to give some parts of your outdoor unit a good spring cleaning yourself. Start by carefully removing any debris around the base of the unit. Then, use a hose with a gentle spray to wash away dirt and dust from the fins and coils. Be careful not to bend the delicate fins. If you see any signs of damage or wear and tear, it's time to call in a professional. Finally, check that the fan blades are clean and spinning freely. Remember, a clean outdoor unit means better airflow, improved efficiency, and lower energy bills.

It is highly recommended to have a maintenance clean and service by a professional HVAC technician to ensure any minor issues are spotted asap and to ensure your aircon is always performing optimally.

HVAC technician using specialised tools and cleaning techniques to clean split system air filters to remove dust and allergens

Spring Cleaning for Air Conditioner Indoor Unit

While the outdoor unit is exposed to the elements, your indoor air conditioner unit can also accumulate dust, pet hair, and other airborne particles over the winter months. This buildup can restrict airflow and reduce your aircon's efficiency. 

Give your air conditioner a little spring cleaning with these steps:

#1 - Power Down

Safety first! Turn off the power to your air conditioner at the switchboard before you begin any cleaning.

#2 Filter Focus

Remove and clean or replace the air filters. This is the most crucial step for improving airflow and air quality. Refer to your owner’s manual for the correct filter type and replacement instructions.

#3 Wipe it Down

Gently wipe the front panel and vents with a damp cloth to remove any dust or grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the finish.

#4 Vacuum Vent

If you are experienced with aircon units, you can carefully vacuum the air intake vent (where the air gets sucked in) to remove any hidden dust bunnies and improve your indoor air quality. If you are unsure at all however, it’s better to call in the professionals than cause any damage!

#5 Clear the Drain

Check the condensation drain pan and pipe for any blockages or signs of mould. A clogged drain can cause leaks and water damage.

By giving your indoor unit a bit of attention, you'll be breathing easier and enjoying cleaner, cooler air all spring long. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently!

Maximising Energy Efficiency this Spring

As the days get warmer, your air conditioner will be working harder to keep your home cool. But with a few simple changes, you can enjoy a cool home without the high energy bills. Here's how to boost your AC unit's energy efficiency this spring:

  • The ideal temperature setting for energy efficiency is between 24°C and 26°C. Each degree lower can increase your energy consumption by up to 10%!
  • Ceiling fans and other fans can help circulate cool air throughout your home, allowing you to raise the thermostat temperature on your aircon by a degree or 2.
  • Check your windows and doors for gaps or cracks that allow cool air to escape. Seal these up with weatherstripping or caulk to keep the cool in.
  • During the hottest part of the day, keep blinds and curtains closed to block direct sunlight and reduce the heat in your home.
  • If you can, plant trees or put shades up to protect the outdoor unit from the sun. This helps your outdoor aircon unit run more efficiently.
  • A well maintained air conditioner operates more efficiently. Schedule a professional service before the peak summer season to ensure optimal performance.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce your aircon's energy consumption this spring. Not only will this lead to lower energy bills, but it will also help reduce your carbon footprint.

Signs Your Aircon Needs Professional Servicing

Sometimes, even with the best intentions, a little DIY maintenance isn't enough. Your air conditioner can show signs that it needs a professional touch. Keep an eye out for these telltale signs:

  • Blowing warm air instead of cool
  • Strange noises such as banging, hissing or grinding
  • Musty or unpleasant smells can mean there is mould or mildew in your AC system
  • Water dripping or leaking from the indoor unit
  • Sudden rise in your power bills

Ignoring these signs can lead to costly repairs down the line. If something seems off, it's always best to play it safe and call in a qualified aircon technician. They can diagnose the problem and repair any issues immediately.

Preventing Costly Repairs with Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance for your air conditioning system is just as important as taking your car in for a service; a small investment for a professional servicing now can save you (and your pockets) from major problems later!

By getting your aircon checked and serviced annually by a professional HVAC technician, you can catch minor issues before they escalate into major breakdowns. Regular maintenance also helps keep your system running at peak efficiency, which means lower energy bills and a longer lifespan for your aircon. 

So, instead of waiting for something to go wrong, schedule a spring maintenance check and keep your cool all summer long.

Urban Energy's Spring Aircon Maintenance Service

Book Urban Energy's professional maintenance service today and ensure a cool, comfortable, and energy efficient home all season long. Contact us now on 1300 411 370 to get your aircon ready for Spring!